Data ini mencakup informasi tentang infrastruktur air minum di Kabupaten Tangerang, termasuk sumber air, instalasi pengolahan air, dan jaringan distribusi. Informasi ini penting untuk penyediaan air minum yang aman dan layanan kesehatan masyarakat. Pemetaan ini mendukung identifikasi infrastruktur air minum, analisis cakupan layanan, dan pengambilan keputusan terkait pengembangan sistem penyediaan air minum.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Nilai
Last Updated November 18, 2024, 04:11 (UTC)
Dibuat November 18, 2024, 04:11 (UTC)
GUID e66d0012-7b73-4e8c-93b5-159065d759f2
access_constraints ["Open Data Commons Open Database License / OSM (ODbL/OSM): You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors\nIf you alter or build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. ("]
bbox-east-long 106.70859789999997
bbox-north-lat -6.0134688
bbox-south-lat -6.361384354999984
bbox-west-long 106.35508599999997
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2024-10-22T16:30:00Z"}]
graphic-preview-description Thumbnail for 'AIR_MINUM_LN'
graphic-preview-type image/png
licence []
metadata-date 2024-10-30T15:00:35Z
metadata-language ind
progress completed
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Dinas Tata Ruang dan Bangunan", "roles": ["owner"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[106.355086, -6.361384355], [106.7085979, -6.361384355], [106.7085979, -6.0134688], [106.355086, -6.0134688], [106.355086, -6.361384355]]]}
spatial-reference-system 4326
spatial_harvester true